- good accessability and usability, compliant to HTML, CSS and JS/ECMAScript standards
- lightweight and fast HTML, CSS and JS code (see end of page)
- only few images needed
- works in browsers without CSS and JS (see also the flavours page)
- accomodates different font sizes
- can be used with or without server scripting that adds classes to the tags in the menu
- does not remove or alter any existing classes that are not used by the tree menu itself
- functions to open/close all folders (inserted as linked icons in the menu)
- intuitive keyboard navigation with arrow keys, tab, spacebar and ESC key (which jumps to the main content of the page).
- supports using a keyboard shortcut to move focus to the menu
- allows folders to be linked to web pages, or not (only toggle open/close)
- supports multiple menu instances on the same page
- provides hooks to add your own functionality for node clicks
- provides extra navigation icons/functions (first, previous, next, last)
File size
When not using other Nornix JavaScript components, the best alternative is to use the nornix-treemenu.js, which combines the Nornix JavaScript base and the TreeMenu code in one shrinked file.
File size: 16 kB (16,308 bytes).
GZip file size: 4.8 kB (4,961 bytes).
Last modified: 2008-04-26